How to demolish institutions/states : lessons from the past.

How to demolish institutions/states : lessons from the past. 

Words are very potent when it comes to diplomacy. That’s why, it is suggested to use “mild words” in the arena of diplomacy if one country wants to keep on in good terms with other countries. However, usage of defamatory & derogatory words is also common in global diplomatic ties. 

# Malign/Name calling 

During the cold war era, USA used to label USSR as “violating human rights” and “being atrocious to the subjects”. It led to development of resent among the ruled & further resulted into civil wars which finally culminated into the disintegration of USSR. However, there were many other reasons for the disintegration of the USSR, but the usage of “language” cannot be ignored or ruled out.

Such usage of language to one’s benefit is selective. One country uses it as a tool to deal with its potential adversaries. It results into dip in trade. 

When EU calls to boycott Indian products on the pretext of it violating the environmental laws, labour laws, etc.,it has the same effect as above and hurts India’s trade & soft power. 

So, usage of such language should always be under scrutiny for better understanding of the global diplomacy. 

– in that country there are cases of serious violation of environmental/labour laws

-in that country there are cases of human rights violations

– that country suffers from insurgency, terrorism, etc. 

– that country is under-developed & filthy. 

How potent is this tool of language? 

– it can seriously damage the global trade of the country 

– it can result in fall of tourism sector (including medical tourism) 

– it can strain the ties of the country with other countries of the world 

– it can result into civil war leading to change in the ruling party

Is this usage limited to just global diplomacy? 

It has the same consequences when it is deployed in real life. 

For example, such and such caste is uncivilised &  barbarous, such and such community is not to be trusted, such & such state people are unworthy of trust, etc. It all may be said to be prejudices about castes, communities & people of some states. But the damage it has done to them is irreparable as they are still seen in the same light. Same is also true for institutions & at the individual level.

With Great Love, 

Er. Amit Yadav

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